
Friday, September 14, 2012

Golf Cart Danger

This summer I drove a golf cart around campus for work.  One day, I was watching the construction next to our building while driving.  And totally smacked into a garbage can in front of about 8 construction workers.  It was a super proud moment.

But this week at staff meeting, we found out someone hit a student with a golf cart.  (Whoops).  The girl is fine but her parents are suing the University, so we will probably have stricter golf cart priviledges. 

Who knew that golf carts were so deadly??  I certainly didn't.  But I thought these two stories would brighten your day.  Cuz if you picture them in your mind, they are pretty darn hilarious.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

I'm not going to lie, that gave me a good mental picture. My parents would never sue. They would say something like "why didn't you get out of the way?" but that's what's wrong with kids these tuition maybe?